Dear Diary #5

I have really only been properly writing for about a year now. It started off as just a way for me to get thoughts out of my head...but now it has turned into my form of personal expression.

It's funny how the universe work eh? I've found that if I am ever stuck for an idea...or can't quite find the words to say what ever it is that I am trying to say...I always seem to stumble upon inspiration. Whether through a song playing on the radio, a quote that seemingly crosses my path, or even bumping into an acquaintance on the street. Whatever the encounter, it always hits me over the head with its mysteriously perfect timing.

This morning I had loads of thoughts float through my mind, as usual, and I was desperately trying to find some grasp on what it was I was trying to actually say to myself. Or at least just figure out exactly what it was I was feeling. But then I looked to my bookshelf and was drawn to one of my favorite books, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by: Mark Haddon. I picked it up and started aimlessly flipping through the pages, when I stumbled upon an underlined quote...

"Sometimes we get sad about things and we don’t like to tell other people that we are sad about them. We like to keep it a secret. Or sometimes, we are sad but we really don’t know why we are sad, so we say we sad but we really are."
...and there it was. Exactly the words in my head. Simple.

As I've said before I find it difficult to to tell people in my life about how I am feeling most of the time, because usually they don't completely understand what affect my depression and anxiety has on my life. Some do, as they have been in similar circumstances, but for the most part I have found people don't know how to comprehend~react~respond to it.

But I guess the truth is that it is have enough for the one going through it to understand completely, let alone trying to explain it to someone else.

It can make life quite much so it's easy to put on a mask...a facade of happiness to get through the day...only to finally collapse onto hands & knees with an inconceivable feeling of isolation from the world and personal identity...

But they may never understand.
