Dear Diary #1


This is my first entry here. Let me introduce myself as best I can that is, this is an Anonymous Diary after all. So here we go. I am a 20-something year old currently travelling and working my way around the world. I left home just over a year ago without any type of plan really. Just me, my thoughts, and my backpack. It all I needed really at the time.

A major turning point for me in my life was discovering my desire to travel. I couldn't tell you why exactly, but maybe a quote from my favorite author will help explain a little bit,
"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody" - J.D. Salinger, (The Catcher in the Rye). For those who have never read it before...

...It follows the life of a young senior highschool student who is terribly afraid of growing out of the age of adolescents and into the large, scary & ever-changing world of adulthood. He has lived his life as a nomad, with the fear of letting other people get too close...

For as long as I can remember I have lived my life this way. Disconnected and silent to the world. Dedicated to playing an endless game of hide-and-seek from the possibility of just being myself. To be a mysterious puzzle for those around me to solve has protected me and kept me safe from becoming vulnerable.

But it is time, I have come to find, to let people in and share my whirlwind adventurous life. From the exceptional highs with amazing friendships and exhilarating intoxicating lows of depression, anxiety, and a borderline eating disorder.

I know what you all must be thinking, "How do you expect to let people in when you stay Anonymous?"...or something along those lines...

The answer to that question is simple. I want to be as honest as else can I do that besides being Anonymous?

Anyways, that is all for now. But I will be back soon.

Stay Wonderful!
